Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Ring that No one wants.

Ringworm under the Microscope
Okay lets talk about it that dreaded ring also known as Ringworm as most of the world knows it is really not a worm. It is a  fungus , a small microorganismm a microscopic worm-like looking fungi called human dermatophyte or Tinea Corporis. Ringworm's on the scalp usually make unpleasant bald patches of scaly skin, on other parts of the body/ skin it will have a ring-shaped rash that is reddish and may be itchy.
Often, there could be several patches of ringworm on your skin at once. The name “ringworm” or "ringworm's" apparently comes from the red worm-like looking ring pattern that often appears on an infected person’s skin. This ring is formed as the infection spreads out while the inside of the ring regains a normal skin tone.
Ringworm is common, especially among children. However, it can affect people of all ages.The  rash can be dry and scaly or wet and crusty. NOTE Ringworm is contagious. It spreads when you have skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal that has it. It can also spread when you share things like towels, clothing, or sports gear. Other types like Jock itch also is a rash in the skin folds of the groin. It may also spread to the inner thighs or buttocks. Ringworm of the hand looks like athlete's foot. The skin on the palm of the hand gets thick, dry, and scaly. And skin between the fingers may be moist and have open sores.
The fungus that causes ringworm thrive in warm, moist areas. Ringworm is more likely to occur when you are often wet for example from sweating and from minor injuries to your skin, scalp, or nails.
Symptoms of ringworm will include:
  • Itchy, red, raised, scaly patches that often may blister and ooze.
  • The patches tend to have sharply-defined edges.
  • Red patches are often redder around the outside with normal skin tone in the center. This may look like a ring.   
Now that we have a knowledge of what ringworm really is and the symptoms of ringworm,  I will introduce you to the natural at home remedies for this fungus.

First at home remedy is:
Apple Cider Vinegar: first take a cotton ball and apply the vinegar to the cotton ball, apply the soaked ball to the infection making sure the vinegar covers the whole area. Do this three times a day and you will see results in as little as day two or three, it gets rid of the ringworm.

Second at home remedy is:
Tea Tree Oil : 4 drops of tea tree oil mixed with olive or coconut oil which will be 9 drops. Apply with a cotton ball onto the fungus 2-3 times a day can also help in relieving the itch and heal the ringworm. You can also apply this method after using the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment.

Third at home remedy is:
Nail Polish Remover: Lots of people swear by this treatment, do not use on bleeding soars or it will enter your bloodstream. Put nail polish on a cotton ball and apply to ringworm for five minutes or longer. This remedy is said to take about a week to clear up.

But it is often said that Prevention is better than a Cure. So here are a few tips to prevent this fungus.

 To prevent ringworm:
  • Keep your skin and feet clean and dry.
  • Shampoo regularly, especially after haircuts.
  • Keep hair cutting tools clean.
  • Avoid touching pets with bald spots.
  • Wear sandals or shoes at gyms, lockers, and pools.
  • Do not share clothing, towels, hairbrushes, combs, headgear, or other personal care items.
  • In cases of extreme itching and spreading please see a Doctor
Have a great day my Wonderful Followers... and remember smile it looks good on You..Cyber Smiles..:-)

Nail polish remover

Apple Cider Vinegar

100% Tea tree oil                    

by: JK-Ziah

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Coconut Water Hydration.

It is now 88 degrees on this Beautiful Sunny day in the Concrete City. As i woke up this morning one of the things on my mind," How am I going to stay cool today?" My answer hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and what is the best way. Water..... yes, I can do that, it's filling and healthy since  the amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75%. The average adult human body is 50-65% water, averaging around 57-60%. The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age. The percent of water depends on the individuals hydration level. And since i will be moving around I will like to have the best. But what else is there?
I remember on my beautiful Island Grenada the one thing that really worked to hydrate the body was and still is Coconut Water. Refreshing and delicious.
For anyone who does not know, Coconut Water is the clear liquid inside the coconut. It is Potassium Rich and SUPER Hydrating.
A wonderful source of electrolytes coconut water is low in natural fats and calories and is cholesterol free and has more potassium than four bananas or any sport drinks. Coconut water has a nutty, sweet taste and low in sodium. A study recently published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise shows that coconut water replenishes body fluids as well as a sports drink and better than water. It is so valuable in regards to minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and alkalizing your system. 
Urologists around the world recommend that kidney stone sufferers should drink coconut water every alternate day to gradually reduce their stone size for easy elimination. 
Loaded with vital nutrients, coconut water is a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pyridoxine, and folates. Also rich in amino acids, dietary fiber, vitamin C, enzymes and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and manganese .It is also very beneficial as it has anti bacterial and anti viral properties. 
Coconut water works wonders for your skin too. 
Researches show that coconut water have cytokinins which are beneficial for anti aging-effects.It can be used as a light moisturizer if you have oily skin. In addition to the benefits to the skin it also helps in repairing and growth of nails and smooth hair.
So today keep hydrated and cool with some wonderful coconut water I did and it was delish. The benefits are an extra bonus to me.
If you have the opportunity to drink the water directly from the coconut enjoy, but to those like myself who have to purchase in a store always read the labels, look for added ingredients. 
The best  and closest bottled coconut water i have found is Arizona Coco Zona 100% Coconut Water, original. Ingredients coconut water from concentrate. Zero fat, zero cholesterol, zero added sugar, essential electrolytes, potassium. 

So my wonderful followers...Enjoy some coconut water on this great HOTT day..Cyber waves..:)