Wednesday, February 26, 2014

DIY project..Drab to Fab pumps.

Hello visitors and followers. I'm here today to share with you a great money saving idea.
First off do you have a pair of pumps that you know has more potential than being just one boring color? I did and Boring is so not in my DNA. So i started this project to turn the boring pumps into a head turner. First I went to my local craft store, picked up some Acrylic Rhinestone Stickers and some glue. This was such an easy DIY  project, it;s a must that i do it again.

Started with this black pumps. Normal right? Potential yes.

I choose the Rhinestone I wanted.

Picked up some glue.

And with some good lining up and a little time.

Voila.... :-)
Can't wait to wear these. From drab to Fab.
Try it, and you can choose any color Rhinestone you wish.

Enjoy this fun DIY..

Cyber wave... :-)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Being Positive and Mentally Free. Why?

Would your life be different if their was no anxiety, depression, guilt, rage, self-doubt and shame? The question is, is it possible to not have these emotions? What does it really mean to be Mentally Free?
As humans our Negative emotions can trap us in a miserable downward spiral of hopelessness and despair. But is it possible to have more Positive outlook on life and less negative? To some right now all that can be seen is the negative, somehow somewhere a person is thinking that their life is the worst deck of cards they have been dealt in this lifetime. Looking at Life sometimes it seem impossible to be positive. But can we as human beings have a more positive outlook on life no matter what our circumstances are?
YES, it is possible.
It is possible to smell the roses and smile, to take a moment and listen to the passing birds possible to see the positive in every aspect of life.

Lets start with a few steps:

1st Step.
CHOOSE to have a positive attitude.
When I say choose, in life we all have a choice. Being positive regardless of what is happening to or around you. I have this attitude that things always happen for a reason and at the time it is suppose to happen, weather by our own doing or outside forces. You are in control of what you think and the positive ideas and attitude you chose to bring into your life.  Remember it is a choice to be Happy, It is a choice to see the Good when it's there, It is a choice to have a positive outlook on life, It is a choice Your choice/Our choice. We get to choose our positive outcome.

2nd Step
Find the Positive.
In every situation you come across there is something good.  Sometimes yes we have to look really hard to see the positive in a situation. When faced with a challenging or difficult situation. Sit back and find the good in a sometimes negative situation.

Get RID on NEGATIVE PEOPLE in your space.
As i always use the term ,Time to weed your human garden. Set limits with people who try to drain your energy. It may seem right now that it is something that cannot be done or it may seem hard to distance yourself from people who may be family or ones you have known for years. But You cannot be sorounded by negative people who do not encourage your happiness, or those that only see the negative or tear you down mentally, emotionally even physically. As you distance yourself from theses negative people get rid of your own negative tendencies with them. Because it will be hard to live a positive and mentally free life with others being negative in your space.

4th Step
Be Positive with OTHERS.
Now that you start attracting positive people in your life,Be considerate, treat others the way they would want to be treated, not the way you want to be treated only. Have a positive word to say  and not tear down but build up. Be encouraging and supportive to others, Send flowers, write a note, give a listening ear.

5th Step
Continue to look for the GOOD in YOU.
Having a positive attitude is an ongoing process, it's not something you will start then say okay i'm positive, that's it! No it is ongoing, always reinforce that positive training. Also if you need a bit of help the positive people you have chosen to be in your circle will be there to help you continue the growth of being positive and Mentally free.

6th Step
Take Time. Meditate. Pray
Clean up your head. What if something negative happen throughout the day. Make time for you , make time to clear your mind whatever that means to you if it's meditating or praying do so in a quiet area. A negative mind with resentment ,hate, etc can create unhappiness and illness. Be aware of how you react to people daily. Meditate on the positive things. Always remember you have a choice , you chose to have a positive attitude and be mentally free.

7th Step
Take Resposibility for your life.
Stop pointing fingers, ask yourself.. " Am I happy with this person?", " Am I happy with this situation?" Taking time out to do this will add clarity for you and mentally free you physically and mentally from toxic and negative situations.

Never give up.
It's your choice. Never give up on the positive, positive things you can achieve, create, and live for.