Monday, September 30, 2013

Did you have your BedTime Tea?

A little tid  bit on the Benefits of tea before bed:

Personally I enjoy a cup of tea in the Morning, Day or Night. To me it's totally calming. Whenever I do anything especially when it involves my body and what goes into it I always like to do my research. And i came across information on tea before bedtime.
And this is what my findings found.

1. Raises the metabolism and increases fat oxidation.
2.Treat rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases
3.Reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks by reducing the risk of blood clotting.
4. Reduces the risk of esophageal cancer (cancer in the long hollow tube that runs from your throat to your stomach).
5. Inhibits the growth of certain cancer cells, reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
6. Treat impaired immune function. .
7. Research has shown that, drinking bitter teas for example Green Tea regularly may help prevent tooth decay by killing the bacteria which causes dental plaque.

So before you head to bed and get under those warm covers, I'm sure one of these benefits relates to you. Keep it in mind and toast with a cup of tea in hand. What's my tea of choice tonight...I wonder? It will be good....Cyber smiles to you all.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Soursop Health Benefit to you.

Hello all. On this beautiful day.

On my recent vacation to my Wonderful, Beautiful Island of Grenada, I had a conversation with my Great Aunt. Lovely woman and I believe she is God's gift and Blessing to me and all who are fortunate to know and have her in their company. She is an accomplished nurse, after extensive studies she was able to work in a field where she could speak and educate younger and also older people on the benefits of taking care of themselves. She is such a wonderful person wherever she went I became like her tail when I was living on the Island. :-)
Back to my visit with her, while we were speaking our conversation will always go to the benefit of the natural homegrown fruits and vegetables we have on the Island. On this day she had a fruit known on the Island as a Soursop. And she started to tell me about the benefits of this fruit. Now a Soursop is also called graviola, it is a large, spiny, green tropical fruit with a sweet flesh that is the basis for several beverages, ice creams and other sweet foods popular in South America the Caribbean etc. Beyond its usefulness as a food, soursop also contains natural compounds with medicinal properties, making it potentially beneficial for our health.
Practitioners of herbal medicine recommend the fruit and leaves of the soursop tree to relieve stomach distress, fever, pain and respiratory problems such as cough and asthma, and for many other medical problems.
Cancer has touched many of us in some way. Whether we know of or have overcome cancer ourselves, or know someone who has passed from it, we can all draw some form of intimate connection to the disease - See more at:
Cancer has touched many of us in some way. Whether we know of or have overcome cancer ourselves, or know someone who has passed from it, we can all draw some form of intimate connection to the disease - See more at:
While researching this fruit I also came across it's benefit on Cancer. I was pleasantly surprised. Today Cancer has affected us weather we know of or we ourselves have overcome cancer or know of someone who has passed from it. Researchers at The Cancer Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center  also says that some compounds in soursop may be naturally antiviral and help with inflammation.
Cancer has touched many of us in some way. Whether we know of or have overcome cancer ourselves, or know someone who has passed from it, we can all draw some form of intimate connection to the disease - See more at: antiviral and antiparasitic, and may also suppress inflammation.
The first promising study occurred in 1996 when researchers found a compound extracted from the fruit was deadly to cancer cells but allowed healthy cells to live. They discovered not only did the compound selectively annihilate cancer cells, but it did so at a rate 10,000 times greater than the common and harmful anti-cancer drug andriamycin.
In 1999, another study found soursop compounds to be effective at reducing prostate and breast cancer cell activity.
In 2002, scientists learned it could similarly inhibit liver cancer activity.
Finally, in 2011, a study found that simply eating soursop could have incredible anti-cancer benefits in animals with a an over-expressed gene that frequently leads to breast cancer. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a cancer-causing gene commonly over-expressed in breast cancer patients.
As a cancer buster, it is said that the leaves and bark of wild soursop trees, preferably grown organically, contains the most healing properties. These are dried and made into a tea and then boiled to extract the medicinal compounds.
Personally I hope they continue to research this fruit and others like it. Back in Grenada my Grandma made a drink out of the fruit and it was very delicious. I would rather eat and drink as many of this fruit as possible. So ladies and gents if you are on an Island or in a position where you have access to this wonderful fruit, take full advantage of it. ENJOY it as a tea, ice-cream, a drink or just eat it as is.

Have an awesome day all....Cyber smiles to you all..:-)




Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A vacation can Benefit You...:-)

Hello my wonderful people. Did you miss your Favourite Care posts?
I know I missed blogging, but i was on a much needed vacation. And let me just say EVERYONE should have a vacation at least once a year away from the hustle and bustle of city life.The beach was a beautiful white sand and blue water you can see your toes in it. The moon looked even closer on that island that I could not pass on a moonlight walk. If it's possible find a Caribbean destination. hint,hint "The Spice Isle of the Caribbean...Grenada".. :-)

And it is a scientific FACT as stated by Primary care physician Natasha Withers from One Medical Group in New York that "Rest, relaxation, and stress reduction are very important for people's well-being and health. This can be accomplished through daily activities, such as exercise and meditation, but vacation is an important part of this as well,". Withers lists a decreased risk of heart disease and improved reaction times as some of the benefits from taking some time off.
Another psychologist Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in stress and relationship management said , "The impact that taking a vacation has on one's mental health is profound,".

Even noted as important is that Most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation, even if it is a 24-hour time-out. This is so true during and after my vacation I was so inspired and motivated about my work ahead and what I needed to do.

We also know that the mind is very powerful and can help with healing, so a rested, relaxed mind is able to help the body heal better.
Neuroscience shows that we require down time in order for our bodies to go through the process of restoration. It is only when we are safe from external stresses that our bodies can relax enough to activate restoration.

I have so many fab pics I want to post but I'm sure if you google Grenada you guys will see a ton of them from that gorgeous and beautiful island.....
Cyber waves..Favourite Care is Back.

Close look you will see a rainbow over the water.