Sunday, December 29, 2013

Is Fashion ready for You in 2014?

The 2014 New Year is right around the corner. What's your fashion trend to ring it in.??
Feast your eyes on these Yummy ideas. Doing something New is always about Out with the old. So if You were always in Black for 2013 get into some colour for 2014.
Sequence, Color, Modern, Vintage, Long, Short, Start the Year off right, you Owe it to Yourself.
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
— Yves Saint-Laurent

"It’s a new era in fashion - there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together"-Alexander McQueen

Take Fashion by storm for 2014.

Cyber smile my wonderful followers.. :-) 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Natural Body Scrub

One of my childhood memories with my aunt was one day walking with her and we saw this tree. She stepped away from the path we were on to walk over to the tree,were these long things that to me looked like cucumbers were hanging. When she picked about four of them she walked back over to me. Now the ones she got looked dry not like the small green ones that were on the tree she started to pull the skin off in-front of me. And so I asked all wide eyed, "What is that?" She went on to tell me, to take the one she just pealed, when i get home and I'm taking a shower I should soap my skin then rub it all over my body, scrubbing my body but not too hard. She went on to say that it will act like a sponge to clean my skin. As a kid of course all you can say is okay, which i did, i believe i was just eager to use the thing and see what it will
It's only later in life i found out how excellent this sponge will be to my entire body.

I did find out that it was a loofah sponge my aunt handed me.The Egyptian Arabic name لوف lūf.
After being harvested, treated, and dried, a loofah creates a natural skin-scrubber. Loofahs are a member of the vine family of cucurbits, such as pumpkins, squash and zucchini. After being allowed to mature the matured loofah's contain a lot of hard fibers that can be used as sponges for bathing and cleaning.
As it's known the outermost layer of your skin, the epidermis, naturally sheds dead skin cells. Exfoliation is considered one of the most important techniques that a person can perform on their skin to resolve certain skin problems as well as to achieve healthy, glowing, radiant skin. Removing dead skin cells not only improves the look of your skin, it also sweeps away places where bacteria and soil could collect. A loofah also helps in stimulating increased circulation to areas that you scrub with it.
There is no doubt that loofahs can certainly assist with keeping your skin in great shape. Note In order to extend the life of your loofah, make sure to allow it to thoroughly air dry in between showers, so that bacteria cannot form or breed. On average, most experts recommend that a loofah should be replaced every 3 months.
Refrain from using the loofah on your face it may be too harsh for sensitive skin on face.
Also noted that when small they can be eaten in soups and stir fried dishes.
Its juice is also used as a natural remedy for jaundice.
Exfoliation is considered one of the most important techniques that you can perform on your skin to resolve certain skin problems as well as to achieve healthy, glowing, radiant skin. Effective in removing calluses from the knees, ankle, palm of the hands and feet.
So next time you pass that luffa tree go ahead pick a dry one, take it home and enjoy exfoliating your body. And to the ones unable to pick it from a tree you can always purchase it in a beauty supply store.

Enjoy the experience my beautiful people.
Cyber wave.. :-)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Favourite Care Note

 Hello Favourite Care supporters, wonderful followers. Always good to have you guys always visiting even if you are visiting my blog for the first time or if you are a regular here, you are always welcome.

Do you guys notice that little quote on top? Yes wonderful isn't it? :-)Enjoy. Cyber wave to you, and you and yes you too..:-) (smile)


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Know your Breast

October is Breast Cancer awareness month as we all know. When we should take the time to increase awareness of this disease if we are concerned friends, family, survivors or just want to do something or know more about this disease. Even though we all may know something about Breast Cancer many must go further to take steps to detect the disease at an early stage Men as well as Women. Many people do not realize that men have breast tissue and that they can develop breast cancer also.

Lets start with the men in our lives:
Gynecomastia is the most common male breast disorder. It is not a tumor but rather an increase in the amount of a man's breast tissue. Usually, men have too little breast tissue to be felt or noticed. Gynecomastia can appear as a button-like or disk-like growth under the nipple and areola, which can be felt and sometimes seen. Some men have more severe gynecomastia and they may appear to have small breasts. Although gynecomastia is much more common than breast cancer in men, both can be felt as a growth under the nipple, which is why it's important to have any such lumps checked by your doctor. Male breast cancer is a rare condition, accounting for only about 1% of all breast cancers. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2010, about 1,970 new cases of breast cancer in men would be diagnosed and that breast cancer would cause approximately 390 deaths in men compared to almost 40,000 women dieing of breast cancer each year.
  • A painless lump or thickening in your breast tissue
  • Changes to the skin covering your breast, such as dimpling, puckering, redness or scaling
  • Nipple changes such as redness or scaling, or a nipple that begins to turn inward
  • Discharge from your nipple
Now to the women:
Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women during their lives. A breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts from cells of the breast. Malignat tumors (Note: Not all tumors are cancerous) are groups of cancer cells that may grow in or invade surrounding tissues or spread to distant areas of the body. Common types of breast cancers are:
Ductal carcinoma – Cancer that begins in the ducts and grows into surrounding tissues. About 8 in 10 breast cancers are this type.
Lobular carcinoma – Cancer that begins in lobules and grows into surrounding tissues. About 1 in 10 breast cancers are this type.

Remember that most breast changes are not cancer. For example if there is nipple discharge this can also occur from using birth control pills, some medicines, and infections. Or, a breast lump could be a cyst, which is a fluid-filled lump that is not cancer. (NOTE:) Early breast cancer usually does not cause pain. Still, if you notice a change in your breast or pain, call your doctor and schedule a visit. DON'T wait until your next checkup

  • A lump in or near your breast or under your arm
  • Thick or firm tissue in or near your breast or under your arm
  • A change in the size or shape of your breast
  • Nipple discharge (not breast milk)
  • Nipple changes, such as a nipple that turns inward (inverted) into the breast
  • Changes to your breast skin, areola or nipple, such as itching, redness, scaling, dimpling, or puckering
Adult women of all ages are encouraged to perform breast self-exams at least once a month. Yes mammograms can help you to detect cancer before you can feel a lump, but breast self-exams will help you to be familiar with how your breasts look and feel so you can alert your doctor if there are any changes. You can use these techniques to help with your self exam.

1.)Lying Down
When lying down, the breast tissue spreads out evenly along the chest wall. Place a pillow under your right shoulder and your right arm behind your head. Using your left hand, move the pads of your fingers around your right breast gently in small circular motions covering the entire breast area and armpit.
Use light, medium, and firm pressure. Squeeze the nipple; check for discharge and lumps. Repeat for your left breast.

2.)In the Shower
Using the pads of your fingers, move around your entire breast in a circular pattern moving from the outside to the center, checking the entire breast and armpit area. Check both breasts each month feeling for any lump, thickening, or hardened knot. Notice any changes and get lumps evaluated by your doctor.

3.)In Front of a Mirror
Visually inspect your breasts with your arms at your sides. Next, raise your arms high overhead.
Look for any changes in the contour, any swelling, or dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipples. Next, rest your palms on your hips and press firmly to flex your chest muscles. Left and right breasts will not exactly match—few women's breasts do, so look for any dimpling, puckering, or changes, particularly on one side.
Take a look at the diagrams below to see the ways in which you can perform a self exam of your breast. Take Charge It is very important that we all know if there is any changes in our breast, visit the doctor if any and continue with the self exam. Above all Early detection and keeping your doctor updated is key my wonderful people.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Did you have your BedTime Tea?

A little tid  bit on the Benefits of tea before bed:

Personally I enjoy a cup of tea in the Morning, Day or Night. To me it's totally calming. Whenever I do anything especially when it involves my body and what goes into it I always like to do my research. And i came across information on tea before bedtime.
And this is what my findings found.

1. Raises the metabolism and increases fat oxidation.
2.Treat rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases
3.Reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks by reducing the risk of blood clotting.
4. Reduces the risk of esophageal cancer (cancer in the long hollow tube that runs from your throat to your stomach).
5. Inhibits the growth of certain cancer cells, reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
6. Treat impaired immune function. .
7. Research has shown that, drinking bitter teas for example Green Tea regularly may help prevent tooth decay by killing the bacteria which causes dental plaque.

So before you head to bed and get under those warm covers, I'm sure one of these benefits relates to you. Keep it in mind and toast with a cup of tea in hand. What's my tea of choice tonight...I wonder? It will be good....Cyber smiles to you all.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Soursop Health Benefit to you.

Hello all. On this beautiful day.

On my recent vacation to my Wonderful, Beautiful Island of Grenada, I had a conversation with my Great Aunt. Lovely woman and I believe she is God's gift and Blessing to me and all who are fortunate to know and have her in their company. She is an accomplished nurse, after extensive studies she was able to work in a field where she could speak and educate younger and also older people on the benefits of taking care of themselves. She is such a wonderful person wherever she went I became like her tail when I was living on the Island. :-)
Back to my visit with her, while we were speaking our conversation will always go to the benefit of the natural homegrown fruits and vegetables we have on the Island. On this day she had a fruit known on the Island as a Soursop. And she started to tell me about the benefits of this fruit. Now a Soursop is also called graviola, it is a large, spiny, green tropical fruit with a sweet flesh that is the basis for several beverages, ice creams and other sweet foods popular in South America the Caribbean etc. Beyond its usefulness as a food, soursop also contains natural compounds with medicinal properties, making it potentially beneficial for our health.
Practitioners of herbal medicine recommend the fruit and leaves of the soursop tree to relieve stomach distress, fever, pain and respiratory problems such as cough and asthma, and for many other medical problems.
Cancer has touched many of us in some way. Whether we know of or have overcome cancer ourselves, or know someone who has passed from it, we can all draw some form of intimate connection to the disease - See more at:
Cancer has touched many of us in some way. Whether we know of or have overcome cancer ourselves, or know someone who has passed from it, we can all draw some form of intimate connection to the disease - See more at:
While researching this fruit I also came across it's benefit on Cancer. I was pleasantly surprised. Today Cancer has affected us weather we know of or we ourselves have overcome cancer or know of someone who has passed from it. Researchers at The Cancer Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center  also says that some compounds in soursop may be naturally antiviral and help with inflammation.
Cancer has touched many of us in some way. Whether we know of or have overcome cancer ourselves, or know someone who has passed from it, we can all draw some form of intimate connection to the disease - See more at: antiviral and antiparasitic, and may also suppress inflammation.
The first promising study occurred in 1996 when researchers found a compound extracted from the fruit was deadly to cancer cells but allowed healthy cells to live. They discovered not only did the compound selectively annihilate cancer cells, but it did so at a rate 10,000 times greater than the common and harmful anti-cancer drug andriamycin.
In 1999, another study found soursop compounds to be effective at reducing prostate and breast cancer cell activity.
In 2002, scientists learned it could similarly inhibit liver cancer activity.
Finally, in 2011, a study found that simply eating soursop could have incredible anti-cancer benefits in animals with a an over-expressed gene that frequently leads to breast cancer. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a cancer-causing gene commonly over-expressed in breast cancer patients.
As a cancer buster, it is said that the leaves and bark of wild soursop trees, preferably grown organically, contains the most healing properties. These are dried and made into a tea and then boiled to extract the medicinal compounds.
Personally I hope they continue to research this fruit and others like it. Back in Grenada my Grandma made a drink out of the fruit and it was very delicious. I would rather eat and drink as many of this fruit as possible. So ladies and gents if you are on an Island or in a position where you have access to this wonderful fruit, take full advantage of it. ENJOY it as a tea, ice-cream, a drink or just eat it as is.

Have an awesome day all....Cyber smiles to you all..:-)




Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A vacation can Benefit You...:-)

Hello my wonderful people. Did you miss your Favourite Care posts?
I know I missed blogging, but i was on a much needed vacation. And let me just say EVERYONE should have a vacation at least once a year away from the hustle and bustle of city life.The beach was a beautiful white sand and blue water you can see your toes in it. The moon looked even closer on that island that I could not pass on a moonlight walk. If it's possible find a Caribbean destination. hint,hint "The Spice Isle of the Caribbean...Grenada".. :-)

And it is a scientific FACT as stated by Primary care physician Natasha Withers from One Medical Group in New York that "Rest, relaxation, and stress reduction are very important for people's well-being and health. This can be accomplished through daily activities, such as exercise and meditation, but vacation is an important part of this as well,". Withers lists a decreased risk of heart disease and improved reaction times as some of the benefits from taking some time off.
Another psychologist Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in stress and relationship management said , "The impact that taking a vacation has on one's mental health is profound,".

Even noted as important is that Most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation, even if it is a 24-hour time-out. This is so true during and after my vacation I was so inspired and motivated about my work ahead and what I needed to do.

We also know that the mind is very powerful and can help with healing, so a rested, relaxed mind is able to help the body heal better.
Neuroscience shows that we require down time in order for our bodies to go through the process of restoration. It is only when we are safe from external stresses that our bodies can relax enough to activate restoration.

I have so many fab pics I want to post but I'm sure if you google Grenada you guys will see a ton of them from that gorgeous and beautiful island.....
Cyber waves..Favourite Care is Back.

Close look you will see a rainbow over the water.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Ring that No one wants.

Ringworm under the Microscope
Okay lets talk about it that dreaded ring also known as Ringworm as most of the world knows it is really not a worm. It is a  fungus , a small microorganismm a microscopic worm-like looking fungi called human dermatophyte or Tinea Corporis. Ringworm's on the scalp usually make unpleasant bald patches of scaly skin, on other parts of the body/ skin it will have a ring-shaped rash that is reddish and may be itchy.
Often, there could be several patches of ringworm on your skin at once. The name “ringworm” or "ringworm's" apparently comes from the red worm-like looking ring pattern that often appears on an infected person’s skin. This ring is formed as the infection spreads out while the inside of the ring regains a normal skin tone.
Ringworm is common, especially among children. However, it can affect people of all ages.The  rash can be dry and scaly or wet and crusty. NOTE Ringworm is contagious. It spreads when you have skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal that has it. It can also spread when you share things like towels, clothing, or sports gear. Other types like Jock itch also is a rash in the skin folds of the groin. It may also spread to the inner thighs or buttocks. Ringworm of the hand looks like athlete's foot. The skin on the palm of the hand gets thick, dry, and scaly. And skin between the fingers may be moist and have open sores.
The fungus that causes ringworm thrive in warm, moist areas. Ringworm is more likely to occur when you are often wet for example from sweating and from minor injuries to your skin, scalp, or nails.
Symptoms of ringworm will include:
  • Itchy, red, raised, scaly patches that often may blister and ooze.
  • The patches tend to have sharply-defined edges.
  • Red patches are often redder around the outside with normal skin tone in the center. This may look like a ring.   
Now that we have a knowledge of what ringworm really is and the symptoms of ringworm,  I will introduce you to the natural at home remedies for this fungus.

First at home remedy is:
Apple Cider Vinegar: first take a cotton ball and apply the vinegar to the cotton ball, apply the soaked ball to the infection making sure the vinegar covers the whole area. Do this three times a day and you will see results in as little as day two or three, it gets rid of the ringworm.

Second at home remedy is:
Tea Tree Oil : 4 drops of tea tree oil mixed with olive or coconut oil which will be 9 drops. Apply with a cotton ball onto the fungus 2-3 times a day can also help in relieving the itch and heal the ringworm. You can also apply this method after using the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment.

Third at home remedy is:
Nail Polish Remover: Lots of people swear by this treatment, do not use on bleeding soars or it will enter your bloodstream. Put nail polish on a cotton ball and apply to ringworm for five minutes or longer. This remedy is said to take about a week to clear up.

But it is often said that Prevention is better than a Cure. So here are a few tips to prevent this fungus.

 To prevent ringworm:
  • Keep your skin and feet clean and dry.
  • Shampoo regularly, especially after haircuts.
  • Keep hair cutting tools clean.
  • Avoid touching pets with bald spots.
  • Wear sandals or shoes at gyms, lockers, and pools.
  • Do not share clothing, towels, hairbrushes, combs, headgear, or other personal care items.
  • In cases of extreme itching and spreading please see a Doctor
Have a great day my Wonderful Followers... and remember smile it looks good on You..Cyber Smiles..:-)

Nail polish remover

Apple Cider Vinegar

100% Tea tree oil                    

by: JK-Ziah

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Coconut Water Hydration.

It is now 88 degrees on this Beautiful Sunny day in the Concrete City. As i woke up this morning one of the things on my mind," How am I going to stay cool today?" My answer hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and what is the best way. Water..... yes, I can do that, it's filling and healthy since  the amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75%. The average adult human body is 50-65% water, averaging around 57-60%. The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age. The percent of water depends on the individuals hydration level. And since i will be moving around I will like to have the best. But what else is there?
I remember on my beautiful Island Grenada the one thing that really worked to hydrate the body was and still is Coconut Water. Refreshing and delicious.
For anyone who does not know, Coconut Water is the clear liquid inside the coconut. It is Potassium Rich and SUPER Hydrating.
A wonderful source of electrolytes coconut water is low in natural fats and calories and is cholesterol free and has more potassium than four bananas or any sport drinks. Coconut water has a nutty, sweet taste and low in sodium. A study recently published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise shows that coconut water replenishes body fluids as well as a sports drink and better than water. It is so valuable in regards to minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and alkalizing your system. 
Urologists around the world recommend that kidney stone sufferers should drink coconut water every alternate day to gradually reduce their stone size for easy elimination. 
Loaded with vital nutrients, coconut water is a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pyridoxine, and folates. Also rich in amino acids, dietary fiber, vitamin C, enzymes and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and manganese .It is also very beneficial as it has anti bacterial and anti viral properties. 
Coconut water works wonders for your skin too. 
Researches show that coconut water have cytokinins which are beneficial for anti aging-effects.It can be used as a light moisturizer if you have oily skin. In addition to the benefits to the skin it also helps in repairing and growth of nails and smooth hair.
So today keep hydrated and cool with some wonderful coconut water I did and it was delish. The benefits are an extra bonus to me.
If you have the opportunity to drink the water directly from the coconut enjoy, but to those like myself who have to purchase in a store always read the labels, look for added ingredients. 
The best  and closest bottled coconut water i have found is Arizona Coco Zona 100% Coconut Water, original. Ingredients coconut water from concentrate. Zero fat, zero cholesterol, zero added sugar, essential electrolytes, potassium. 

So my wonderful followers...Enjoy some coconut water on this great HOTT day..Cyber waves..:)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Coffee Temptation

Some years ago I wanted to create another body scrub ,after doing my research on the benefits of a wonderful product that we normally drink, yet when applied to the skin has remarkable benefits.I was surprised and pleasantly pleased with the research and results. I'm speaking about Coffee Beans yes you know when you wake up in the morning and have that craving for an eye opener, something to get you moving and give you energy at the start and throughout the day. That same Coffee Beans. A lot of people do not know about the benefits of Coffee grounds on the body. So lets investigate, shall we!
After brewing coffee, coffee grounds are often tossed into the trash bin. I don't drink coffee but I do enjoy applying it to my body, i enjoy that feeling after I step out of the shower.Ohhhh that feeling. Okay ,lets start..:-)

.The caffeine in the coffee has many health benefits when applied to the surface o the skin it helps redistribute fat cells and decrease the formation of cellulite.

.Coffee Beans may be able to prevent varicose veins also. The caffeine in a coffee acts as a vascular restrictor, shrinking blood vessels and reducing varicose veins.

. Coffee Beans contains natural ingredients that plumps the skin making it appear less wrinkled, rejuvenated and supple.

.The Coffee Beans extract removes dead skin cells, which results in better-looking skin.

.Tighten the skin. (awesome right?!)

.Removes dark acne scars.

Now Lets start the Fun Part....YEAAAAAAAAAAA
Making My  oh sooooo favourite Coffee Bean Scrub :

What You Need:  
1) Coffee grounds,
2) 1/2 tsp Cinnamon,
3) Coconut Oil (I use)/ Olive Oil,
4)  Bowl.
5) Essential oils (optional..lavender or anyone you beauties will like)

What To do:
.In bowl mix in all ingredients together. (I normally make enough to last two weeks)
.Apply in the shower, massage all over body.
.Rinse thoroughly

That's it now indulge in that beautiful experience..ENJOY...:-)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cerasee Tea...... Body Purge

Good morning my beautiful followers. Hope all is well on this gorgeous Tuesday. I'm posting an early morning experience. I must say this is the first time I ever, ever felt like crying while drinking a cup of tea. Not because it was finishing too soon but because it was the most bitter tea I have ever tasted. I have drank bitter tea's before but this one right here was of the charts bitter. I'm talking about Cerasse Tea or as some people know as Collie Paw paw Tea.
I was researching the benefit of teas over the week and came upon Cerasse/Collie Paw paw Tea. I know in Grenada my grandparents had a wild vine growing in the front yard. And I will go pick these little yellow papua and suck the red seeds inside, not knowing the benefits of the bush itself.
Some information on this ... It is a very bitter herb, but like every other bitter herb, it purifies the blood and the body. Cerasee contain nutrients like iron, vitamins A and C, phosphorous and alkaloids, thus its effectiveness in so many ailments it is also very effective in relieving constipation, fevers and colds in children. The tea decreases menstrual cramps and can also treat urinary tract infections.  Tea made from the leaves and vines can treat parasitic worms, liver problems, as a tonic, and as a blood and body cleanser. This herb has detoxifying properties which is wash to purge and wash out the body. The leaves crushed and rubbed (to get the juice extracted) in a bath with water is used to bathe in to treat skin ailments such as rashes, atopic dermatitis (eczema), sores.

IMPORTANT SIDE EFFECTS....Too much bitter melon or taking it with other glucose-lowering medications or taking it when your blood sugar is already low can produce the opposite effect of decreasing your blood sugar too much. AltMD states bitter melon can interact with diabetes medications, including insulin, chlorpropamine, phenformin and glyburide, causing severe hypoglycemia, or dangerously low blood sugar levels. Milder side effects include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, but bitter melon can also cause stomach ulcers. Bitter melon is toxic to children and should only be taken by adults. Bitter melon can be used to bring on menses, so don't take it if you are pregnant.( Please do research first.)

I must admit their are great benefits, but this thing is BITTER. This is my first try I will try again tonight....maybe..(a Big maybe)

Let me know if you guys ever tried it....Cyber waves..:-)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dark Spot be gone.

Hello my awesome followers, you and you and yes you also...:-)  I must tell you my beauties something I have noticed, Men as well are women are spending quit a deal in beauty products to establish and maintain an even skin tone. Many people use skin lightening products to lighten the dark spots on the face especially. Unfortunately using the wrong product can leave a person with side effects.

One woman explained that the skin lightening product she was using twice a day not only left her skin fairer but her skin became so thin that it would bruise if touched. Her capillaries became visible, and she developed stubborn acne. A doctor told her that all three were side effects of prescription-strength steroids in the creams, which she had bought over the counter in beauty supply stores. The problem too is no one is reading these labels or looking up reviews of these skin lightening creams, reviews that can be found on the Internet from people who have used these skin lightening products. Some of these  products list no ingredients because they are illegal in many countries.Yet in many stores around the world sales are strong.

Before going to the store to ask the clerk for the strongest skin lightening product if its only a few spots on your face you will like to fade, which could of been brought about from acne scars. A safer at home remedy is Turmeric which will remove and fade dark spots quickly. Turmeric is also known for it's medicinal help which includes burn treatment,repairing free radicals and reduction of face pigmentation, making it good for skin discoloration.

What You Need: Turmeric powder, Milk ,Lemon Juice and a Bowl.

What To Do?:

1) Mix the turmeric, milk and lemon juice to make a paste consistency  in the bowl.
2) Apply to dark spot on face
3) Use a cleanser after washing your face to get rid of the yellow tint.

NOTE (turmeric stains everything, be careful)  this mixture will make the area yellow depending on how long it is left and how much Turmeric is used especially if left on over night after you have washed it off. (This is not a health concern.) 
No worries you can always just apply the Turmeric for a few minutes (30 minutes- one hour) instead of overnight then wash it off. Then use a cleanser to get off most or all of the stain.

Personally I would  leave this mix on the dark spot over night, and wash off in the morning. And deal with the stain for a few hours.
Enjoy my wonderful followers. .... :-)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Preventing the Wrinkle Madness

Hello my wonderful followers, on this Sunny day in the Concrete Jungle as I'm sitting here enjoying a fruit smoothie. I am reminded of all the wonderful and beneficial healthful products that I must post to help for this type of weather. So today's post will be about something many people see on a daily basis when they look in the mirror, and some that look into the mirror and pray they will never have to see one or two. It's all about Wrinkles. Described as a rhytide, which is a fold, ridge or crease in the skin. Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of the aging process, habitual sleeping positions, loss of body mass, or temporarily as a result of prolonged immersion in water.

Today we will speak about Age wrinkling caused by sun exposure and how to Stop it before it happens and before drastic measures has to be taken to correct them.

When it comes to the sun we know that it's UV rays are converted into useful energy. Research also shows 90% of wrinkles are caused by the sun';s UVA light, and damage from the sun is the number one cause of premature aging in women and men. Do you know that even at low-level exposure to UVA light breaks down collagen, which causes wrinkles ? ahhhhhhhhhh O-0

So let me give you my little secret (It is well known, but this is what I use daily) It's called, wait for it.......Sunscreen, yes that's right Sunscreen to help prevent wrinkles and premature aging later on in my life.

Sunscreen is a pharmaceutical product designed to protect skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. In fact Sunscreen is beneficial to the entire body not only during the Summer or Island Hot days or if you are at a tanning salon, but all year round even in cold climates.

Applying a quarter size of SPF30 Sunscreen to the face is all you need.
To Apply-
First wash your face, apply a toner to cotton ball and swipe your T-zone to absorb the oil on your face. Now apply your favourite SPF30. Let the Sunscreen absorb into the skin then blot your face lightly to remove residue, then you can apply your makeup or go bare face like I usually do.

When I use Sunscreen it goes all over I prefer the lotion on my face and the spray on my body.

Enjoy the post my Beauties and do ALWAYS use Sunscreen as a means to preventing Future Wrinkles.

Awesome Day enjoy....Cyber waves..:-)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Natural Cancer Fighters

Nearly 12 million people living in the United States today were diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives; some are undergoing active treatment and others are living cancer free. Most of us know at least one person with cancer, I know I do. All over the world people are affected. For example according to the latest WHO data published in April 2011 Breast Cancer Deaths in Grenada reached 11 or 2.22% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 23.30 per 100,000 of population ranks Grenada #23 in the world. In Jamaica, the local cancer registry which records all cancers diagnosed in the Kingston and St Andrew area reports that the age-standardized Prostate Cancer incidence for the period 2003-2007 was 78. 1/100 000/ year making it by far the leading cancer affecting men in Jamaica .Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells. There is so much I can say about cancer ,but one thing The National Cancer Institute estimates that roughly one-third of all cancer deaths may be diet related.

 For example:

Studies have shown they may keep cancer cells from growing and inhibit tumors, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research. A plant chemical called resveratrol, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, hides in grape skins – especially purple and red ones.  

Tomatoes :
Tomatoes get their bright red color from an antioxidant called lycopene, which can protect cells from damage and kill those that aren’t growing properly, Doyle says. They also may protect skin from cancer “by absorbing UV light,” says Wilhelm Stahl, Ph.D., professor and antioxidant researcher at the University of Dusseldorf in Germany.

For stomach, mouth, breast skin Broccoli ,Kale and cabbage may help fight cancer. They  contain sulforaphane, which may keep cancer at bay by helping rid the body of carcinogens and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

 Garlic contains unique antioxidant phytochemicals called allyl sulfides that “seem to intervene in several steps of the cancer process .

Tea is full of antioxidants called catechins, which lab studies have found may stop growth of cancer cells and reduce the size of cancerous tumors. May help for breast, lung, skin and bladder cancers.

Flax seed:
Flax seed contains an antioxidant called lignans, which may help the body rid itself of carcinogens, and
omega-3 fatty acids,  believed to reduce inflammation and boost the body’s immune system.

Turmeric contains the powerful polyphenol Curcumin that has been clinically proven to retard the growth of cancer cells causing prostrate cancer, melanoma , breast cancer, brain tumour, pancreatic cancer and leukemia amongst a host of others

A half teaspoon of cinnamon powder every day is all you need to keep cancer risk away. A natural food preservative, cinnamon is a source of iron and calcium. Useful in reducing tumour growth, it blocks the formation of new vessels in the human body. 

Refrence:,, The Times of India

Below are foods have the ability to help stave off cancer and some can even help inhibit cancer cell growth or reduce tumor size. Please do your own research on these and other natural cancer  fighters.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Natural Chemical Peel Treatment

Good day my Wonderful followers, I see you and you and Hope you guys are having a funtabulous day. Today I am posting another at home beauty secret I use. It's a chemical peel, I know the sound chemical peel may sound harsh, but this one is really awesome, I have had no irritation with it and great results. This treatment is great for acne prone skin.
First let me explain what a chemical peel is A chemical peel is a treatment technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin, a chemical solution causes the dead skin to eventually peel off. The regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. Some people seek professional help for Chemical peels , but here is my own at home peel. It has done wonders and I try to do this twice a week. Must continue. (Anyone allergic to aspirin should NOT try this)

What you will need?:
                                   1.) 5-12 Non coated Aspirin
                                   2.) One lemon (for juice)
                                   3.) Bowl
                                   4.) Cotton balls
                                   4.) 1tsp Baking Soda and 1tsp water, mix (neutralizer)

What to do? :
                       1.) Dissolve Aspirin into bowl with lemon until it turns into a paste
                       2.) Apply paste to face and leave on for 10 minutes
                       3.) Wash paste off with water
                       4.) Apply Baking Soda mix to face with cotton balls to neutralize the chemical peel process

Results Smooth, Clear Skin...Enjoy...:-) 

Baking Soda

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

For the Men

Some people think men spend less time taking care of their skin than women do. Guess what? That's not true...I strongly believe that most men are now as involved in keeping themselves physically attractive. And that is Great, to see a well groomed, clean dressed man. Taking care of himself...;-) Men should know that  good skin is a direct result of three things: their diet, the genetic lottery, and personal hygiene. 

Here is a little simple face treatment for the men for skin irritation after shaving.

Since Honey helps keep your skin moisturized.
What you need: Honey
What to do?:    1.)Spread pure honey on the skin after shaving to relieve irritation. 
                          2.)Remove with warm water after ten to fifteen minutes.

Simple right? Benefits for you men less irritation and Touchable for the person in your life..:-)


A Quick Mixup

At the grocery store one beauty treatment I always have in my cart is lemons. (side note Somehow i definitely need a lemon tree growing in my back yard).As I mentioned in my post on lemons they contain a natural astringent and antibacterial agent that acts as an exfoliant to help remove dead skin cells faster and prevent clogged pores. And also lighten the dark spots caused by acne overtime. I have shown you how lemon and honey can be used by themselves, now lets do a mixup that your face will enjoy.
I have a small bowl containing honey and a few drops of fresh lemon at home. 
Honey helps keep your skin moisturized, and will help clear your skin if your acne is from bacterial problems.

I use the honey and lemon mix as a face mask. Making sure my face is clean first if i wore makeup that day then placing the mixture on my face and leaving it for 15-20 minutes and washing it off with warm water. Results....smooth..:-) Enjoy..:-)
What you need: Bowl,Honey and  one Lemon
What to do:    1.) Mix a few drops of lemon into bowl with honey. 
                        2.) Apply onto clean  face
                        3.) Leave on for 15-20 minutes  

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Indulgent Body Treat

The one thing I absolutely enjoy is indulging my whole body, It is recommended (by me) that once a week is a great time to do this. Taking time out to pamper, meditate, relax and be one with yourself. One way I indulge my whole body, pamper and take care of it is by making myself an at home Body Scrub.  Yes a Body Scrub made by me at my home, no spa.
During any weather it is a great way to:

1.)Exfoliate your skin
2.)Improve cellulite on the skin and improve skin aging
3.)Increase circulation and flow
4.)Great way to relax

This is a recipe for an at home body scrub to try.

What you will need: 
 1.) 1Cup Small granules sugar/salt
 2.) 1/2 Cup Coconut Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil
 3.) Plastic Bowl
 4.) Spoon
 5.) Your choice of essential oil
    (optional, i like lavender and peppermint which is both refreshing and soothing)

What to do:
 1.) Mix all the ingredients with the spoon into the bowl
 2.) Apply to your skin in the bathroom with rag or bare hands

And that is all my beauties enjoy this wonderful recipe your Body will Thank You..:-)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Acne Treatment

As Men and Women, we have all suffered from acne as teenagers and as adults, all of a sudden its a blemish here, then a blemish there then all we see is that blemish on our face. Isn't that true? And we make it our mission to get that blemish from off our face by any means necessary and the first thing we do is try to pop that bad boy just to get rid of it.
But my beauties...STOP.. before you even think about putting your fingers to your face which can cause further scaring, consider this little treatment. Lavender Oil it is one of the many natural beauty secrets.Lavender Oil also contains several potent antibacterial compounds. It is gentle enough that it can be used topically on the skin without causing irritation, and a great addition to your acne routine. I use this every night after washing and before moisturizing my face. Applying lavender essential oil to your pimple can be an effective treatment if nothing else works. 
However, take care not to apply lavender essential oil to your whole face. The solution is very concentrated and may not be suitable for all skin types.Begin by applying the oil to a small area of the skin to make sure there are no problems.Lavender oil is an excellent first step when beginning acne treatment. Unlike many pharmaceutical remedies, the oil is usually easy on the skin and does not produce excessive dryness or irritation. When used over time, lavender oil can help reduce the appearance of breakouts. Regular oil users claim that lavender has astringent properties that remove pore impurities and can rejuvenate the skin.
Try it and let me know how it works. Its not magic so give it time and that blemish will be gone....Enjoy.
What you need: Lavender oil, cotton ball or fingers
What to do: Apply lavender to cotton ball or fingers apply to face, leave on face.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Drink Right

If you want younger looking skin, healthier hair, skin and body one thing you can do today, visit your refrigerator. Open it there you will find what?........Water. It has been noted by beauticians that a cool-water rinse leaves hair glossier, the chilly temp constricts the cuticle layer of your hair so it lies flatter; making strands smoother. So pay attention to your fluid intake it will be reflected outward on your skin as well.

What Water can do for you:
  • Enhance your health
  • Increase your energy
  • Brighten and clear your eyes, making you look younger
  • Giving you a  radiant complexion
How water helps you from the inside?:
  • Carries nutrients to every cell in your body
  • Flushes out toxins from the body
  • Improves circulation and blood flow within your body
  • Lubricates your joints
Increased water output requires a person to increase the water intake. Hot weather, Exercise, other activities and being in a heated environment especially will cause your body to loose water. So it is beneficial to add that water back. If you have clear urine, your thirst is quenched, you feel good, your skin reflects the same, then you are drinking enough water. So today start off right with a cup of  Water and enjoy the long term benefits...:-)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Fashion Watch Day.

Fashion Watch Day...Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa.
The item on the top of my Fashion Watch Day is that gorgeous dress worn by Kelly Roland on the Red Carpet at the 55th Annual Grammy Awards. Dress Georges Chakra and jewlery Lorraine Schwartz. In a heartbeat I will wear this Number. Just Gorgeous.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

An Egg White a Day

Good day my beautiful followers, I hope you had a funtabulous day..:-)
Today's topic as you can guess from the Post is Eggs .How can we use egg white this inexpensive and easy treatment in your beauty routine?
First, let me tell you what egg whites can do for your pretty face. By allowing it to dry on the face egg whites help tone the skin. It also firms your pores and treats acne at the same time.Egg whites can also be used to reduce under eye puffiness when left under the eye for just ten minutes. Awesome right?
In a nut shell the use of egg whites on your face will make your skin look soft and bright, cleans the skin deeply, removes excess oils from the skin, tightens pores and aids with acne and puffy eyes. Now that sounds great right and guess what my beauties you can use this treatment as often as you wish.Try it today and enjoy, your pores will thank you.
A little secret what I also do is squeeze a lemon to the whisked egg white which will help with acne spots.

What you will need: 1. One egg white, bowl, whisk, fingers (lemon optional)

Directions: 1. Break the egg in a bowl, remove the yolk
                    2. Whisk the egg white ( and lemon if adding)
                    3. Apply whisked egg white to face with fingers
                    4. Leave on until dry
                    5. When dry wash your face and pat dry